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#AsktheRedBusSA: Lost Property

20 December 2016

We are often asked about lost property, especially over the summer months when there's an increase in visitor numbers. So, if you've spent the day sight seeing with us and have forgotten or lost something on a red bus, we encourage you to contact us immediately.

I've forgetten or lost something on a red bus. Can you help me?

Yes, we try our best to reunite people with their forgotten or lost property. However, we can't guarantee your forgotten or lost item/s will be found by a red bus team member or handed in by a fellow passenger.

How do I report forgotten or lost property?

If you've forgotten or lost something, there are four ways to report your forgotten or lost property:

What information do you need to help me find my forgotten or lost property?

It's important to gives us the following information when reporting a forgotten or lost item/s:

  • Your name
  • Your contact details (mobile number, telephone number, email address)
  • Details of what you've lost – the more specific, the better: What is it? What colour is it? What is the model, make or size?
  • Details of when and where you know or think you may have forgotten or lost your item/s (date, time, on which tour, at what stop)

Remember, the more information you give us, the quicker we'll be able to follow up on your forgotten or lost proprerty.

If my forgotten or lost item/s is found, how will I know?

A red bus team member will get in touch with you to let you know your forgotten or lost property has been found.

How is my forgotten or lost item/s returned?

It is up to you to collect your forgotten or lost property. A collection date, time and place will be arranged between you and a red bus team member.

Do you have a question? Email us at, send us a message on Facebook, or tweet us from Cape Town or Joburg using the hashtag #AsktheRedBusSA.

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