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#AsktheRedBusSA: How To Check in & How To Review The Red Bus

08 August 2016

We love sharing in the excitement of your red bus experience – from your Facebook check-in to your #RedBusSA tweets and photos. We also love hearing from you – both the good and the bad.

How do I check in to City Sightseeing South Africa on Facebook?

To check in to City Sightseeing South Africa, you need to go to our Facebook page. Search for “City Sightseeing South Africa” and select “go”. Once you’re on the page, look out for the menu button (on the far right-hand side, below "Book Now"):

A menu will pop up with several options. Select “Check-in”.

You can comment on your check-in and tag family and friends before posting it.

How do I review my red bus experience?

There are a number of ways you can let us know what worked well and what could have worked better.

Do you have a question? Get in touch with us on any above the platforms and we’ll happily answer you as best we can.

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